Advent Calendars

momu and santa

Hello again Momu Fans!

I thought I would use this photo of me next to Santa today as Christmas is getting ever so close now.  We are ever so excited here!  We hope you are looking forward to it too.

The humans have some things to help them count down to Christmas, Advent Calendars.  These are a new thing for us lads, and only having furry paws makes things like this a little bit harder for us to manage, so we do need some human help from time to time.  These calendars have little doors that the humans open everyday leading up to Christmas, and behind them is a picture (which the girl likes the best) and also a chocolate (which the boy likes more).  We like to see the pictures too, but only because we cannot eat chocolate – if we could, I am sure we would like that part just as much.

momu and the calendars

This year there are three advent calendars, usually there would only be one but the girl got given two and then the boy turned up for a visit with one too – so that makes three.  The humans would like to point out that they would not usually have that many, it was an unfortunate (yummy) mistake that everyone decided to buy one.

We are looking forward to seeing what pictures are behind every door for the next few days until Christmas finally arrives (it still feels like a long time to go), and the boy is looking forward to catching up on all his chocolate because he forgot to take his one home with him the other day – silly thing.

Have you got an advent calendar too?  Aren’t they fun?

More soon,

Love Momu. x