Adventures at the Auction

Hi Momu readers!

Me and Mike went on an adventure with the girl this morning.  Here we are getting ready to go:

Ready to go1

And here we are all snuggled up in the girl’s bag – just like we used to when she was at work:

Ready to go2

We got taken to an auction where people bid for all sorts of things.  The auction place was very crowded and noisy so we didn’t venture out of the bag at all in case we were sold to the highest bidder.  We know all about auctions as the boy watches quite a lot of programmes about them on the television.  They are quite fun – some of the stuff people pay money for is funny!

The girl wanted to try and buy some old cameras, but it all got a bit confusing and her dad ended up buying the wrong box – and to make matters worse all the stuff in it was rubbish and didn’t work (and we don’t know how to sort it out), so it is all going on to somewhere called Ebay to see if someone else can fix it all up and make use of it.

There was one bit of good news though, we managed to get these after all the sales had been sorted out from someone who did win the boxes of cameras:


Good Huh?

Me and Mike are going for a little snooze now, the adventuring has rather taken it out of us…

More soon,

Love Momu. x