Dr Watson, I presume

Momu Small

Hello Momu Fans!

We have exciting news for you – a new lad has arrived.

Watson 1

This is Watson (Dr Watson to give him his full name).  Travis named him as he has already decided that Watson is going to be his sidekick when he is off solving mysteries.  Travis has also decided that Watson needs a hat to be able to do this properly (I feel a bit sorry for the girl, having to try and make all these fiddly things for us lads, but she kind of brings it on herself really, so I am not that sorry!), Watson is not too sure about this, as he says his ears are quite big (and useful for hearing clues).  We will see what the girl might be able to come up with later on.

Watson is quite excited about his new lad job – he says he is very inquisitive naturally anyway, so he will enjoy poking around and solving things.

Watson 2

He says he is just the dog for the job!

More soon,

Love Momu. x


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