Sunshine and Monsters



Hello everyone!

I hope you have had some sunshine where you are lately – Freddy was ever so excited because he managed to sit in a very small bit of sun in the girl’s room last night – this is unheard of, we thought the sun would never visit us here.  I will try and get a picture of him if the sun comes out again in the next few days.  He is all happy and smiley now.

Stuart helped to save the boy from what they thought was an unfriendly monster the other day;


He looks scary, but apparently he was quite nice when Stuart went up to him, so he is just mooching on the ceiling and not causing any problems after all.  Stuart did say that he will be keeping an eye on him and if he starts to get very big or mean then he will help to pop him outside instead.

I hope you have been having some adventures of your own.  Adventures are the best (even if they do sometimes involve monsters).

More soon,

Love Momu x


Drone Attacks!


Hello Everyone!

I hope you are all OK – we are mooching today (any excuse to do this is good in my view) because it is raining a lot outside.  It is safest to be in bed and not do much when it is like that outside.  We recommend that you do the same really.

While you are safe in bed, you can read about the lads’ latest adventures.  How good is that?

Comfy?  Here we go – this is a story of derring-do and the lads are very proud of it.

The lads who live with the girl seem to have a little bit of an easier time when it comes to matters of defence.   We are not usually called on to do an awful lot (we like it for the most part, but sometimes we feel a little bit funny that the other lads are busier) and we can do what we like when we like.  This is obviously mooching.  A lot.

The lads at the boy’s house on the other hand are often called on to protect the boy and the other lads – you have heard about the Boar Defence League.  They also protect against enemy Drone attacks, and one happened the other night which was quite major.

The boy was just minding his own business reading and mooching around when two huge drones can and dive bombed the lads on the bed!  Luckily Bluey had some back up in the form of more fast attack lads at the time other wise he would have been in some trouble.  The Corporal (I’ll introduce you to him later on properly, he says he is too busy protecting the nation at the moment to do an interview) was on hand to help, and the managed to jump on the Drones and detain them.

In the tradition of old hunting stories, here are a couple of pictures of the victors and their catches;

Bluey and a Drone

Bluey and the Drone

The Corporal and a Drone

The Corporal and the Drone

We are all ever so proud and pleased that the lads managed this victory – long live the lads and their protective abilities (the boy was very pleased they were there to help him – the girl would have been even more pleased, she is a wimp when it comes to drones and the like).

More soon,

Love Momu. x


Momu Meets Corey Feltdog

Momu Small

Hello Momu readers!

I hope you are all fine and dandy today.

I am going to introduce you to a new lad today.  Exciting or what?

This is Corey Feltdog;


He arrived a couple of months ago and has the same birthday as Whitey (except that Whitey is a lot of lad years older, shhhh!)

A few of us were watching a film with the humans on the girl’s birthday – it was called The Lost Boys (we are not sure why, as they seemed to be in the film the whole time and not lost at all).  There was one person in it whose real name is Corey Feltman, and we liked him and thought that the new lad should have the same name.  We had to change the name a little bit because our Corey is a dog and not a man, and we didn’t want things to be confusing, so we called him Corey Feltdog.

Corey Feltdog enjoys mooching (as all good lads should) and has made good friends with Bill, Snowy, Freddy and Bear especially.  They all sit and watch for the horses that go past the window sometimes, they say it is ever such good fun.


Cory is almost never sad , and his cheery face can cheer up even the most grumpy human.  Yippee!

Cory and Momu

More soon,

Love Momu. x